AUTHOR: Duane 'The Dog' Chapman
SUMMARY: Duane Chapman, aka Dog the Bounty Hunter, has had an amazing life. He had a troubled and trying upbringing, which led to an early life of crime, including numerous arrests for armed robbery and a murder conviction. While Dog claims to be innocent of the murder rap, he maintains that the 5 years he served for the crime changed his life. With a new-found respect for the law, Dog vowed to become a force for change and good. This inspired him to pursue a career in bounty hunting. Dog is now the owner of Da Kine Bail Bonds in Honolulu and self-proclaimed "Greatest Bounty Hunter in the World." Six thousand-plus captures over the past two decades have earned this highly intense, charismatic ex-con and born-again Christian such a distinction. He is also a devoted father of 12, and some of his older children work with him as bounty hunters, along with his equally charismatic new wife Beth. In YOU CAN RUN BUT YOU CAN'T HIDE, Dog details all this and more, giving his legion of fans all the details they've been waiting for. - From Publisher
REVIEW: I have a not so guilty love for this family and the show. Sure at times it's a bit crazy dramatic and over the top but isn't that sorta what makes all 'reality tv shows'? Who's the sluttiest? Who can have the most kids? How many lies can you tell on a little island? The crazier, the more people love. Of course my love for this family stems from a few areas and one is from the Stephanie Plum series. I easily picture the character Ranger being a Leland sort of guy. With that said, yes, I do realize that I at times live in a fantasy world of books. However, so do you, to a degree if you're reading this.
This book is filled with details from Dog's life that I sorta assumed but never realized how far he was down that rabbit hole until I read this. The guys life has been interesting and colorful to say the least. I love that he didn't hold anything back. You either love him or hate him and he's okay with whichever you chose.
I'm not a big fan of biographies that are ladled with straight facts. I enjoy having the subjects life told to me like a story. As if I'm sitting there and they are almost predicting what my next question will be. Dog wrote this book just like that. It kept me interested while still being very informative.
So, for those of you that hunker down and watch Dog the Bounty Hunter marathons on A&E you'll definitely want to pick this up to read, bra.
RATING: ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
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